Monday, February 21, 2011

Cognitive Learning Styles

We all have certain learning styles we use to learn, some learn and remember cognitively, and as a article called "Diversity, Learning Style and Culture" by Pat Burke Guild says, at::   "Cognitive involve receiving, obtaining, taking possession of, and discerning information, ideas, and concepts."   So, we all have different learning styles, and we have to obtain our nich of learning.  

Friday, February 18, 2011


To link links for a blog on blog, as a on-line support system on at: the article says, "highlight the text to be turned into a link, then press the link button, insert the link to be added for a link. and then, your link will be created.  So, it is as easy as that! 

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Social Network's Contact

Socials in social networking are being sold for the dollar, and in a article called "Social networking sites gain clout in campaigns," at:/ by By Jennifer Keefe says: "We reach out and not spend a lot of money,we use it to our advantage, and and most of all, we really have to be involved with all the social medias and pay attention to what's going on." Yea, they are keeping close watch on how we keep in touch with each other, so they can tap into the system for their gains, and I believe they'll spend a lot of extra time setting the selling-system up.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

A Cultural Exchange-Remix

A Cultural Exchange-Remix An article says on Sustainability and Modular Complexity, it states at: "A cultural exchange does not have to take place with misunderstandings and misrepresentations, and as a regard, Remix, has been a subject of spectacle and a criticism. I believe they, the users, become numb to the standards, and they are not as responsive to real life situations under these effects. The article also states, "it makes available traces for anyone who is interested in understanding how things are constructed from recycled, recombined, and re-purposed material." Maybe these things are too available in some cases. So the article goes on to say, "the noise, when extended to the music culture, becomes a tool of massive control." And, it is also true that the culture strives on the noise it creates. I find the article far fetched, and these effects from Remix have a overcoming effect toward our culture and society. I believe the Remix Revolution affect our culture in great ways, and it may effect our culture ever deeper than first realized. Also check out Mash-ups with businesses. And link to a file on Mash-up business enterprises.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Social Subjectivity

I believe there is influences toward society with the use of social subjectivity; to rethink the possibilities of social interventions; it goes beyond ourselves to our rationalities, and it shapes our communications and our lives; as we should practice our understandings and how we relate to one another in our consciousness to one another to keep social-cultural environment interwoven with a social structure of a social-patterned arrangement that forms society and shape our behaviors, and social structure can comprise cultural and normative patterns as said by Lopez and Scott (2000), Social Structure, Buckingham and Philadelphia-Open University Press, McGraw-Hill, Inc.. Social structure can change our responses to the world around us, as influenced by Durkheimian and Marxist that have had strong social structure views. Openness is important to share and collaborate with eachother., .